Hello World: Your First Java Program - Krich Tech


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Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Hello World: Your First Java Program

You need the following 2 software to create your first Java Program
  1. The Java SE Development Kit
Please refer our last tutorial to download and install JDK
  1. A Text Editor
In this example, we'll use Notepad. it is a simple editor included with the Windows Operating System. You can use a different text editor like NotePad++
This video will help you code your first Java program.
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Steps to Compile and Run first Java program

Step 1) Open Notepad from Start menu by selecting Programs > Accessories > Notepad.
Step 2) Create a Source Code for your Program
  • Declare a class with name A.
  • Declare the main method public static void main(String args[]){
  • Now Type the System.out.println("Hello World"); which displays the text Hello World.
 class A {
 public static void main(String args[]){
     System.out.println("Hello World");
Step 3) Save the file as FirstProgram.java make sure to select file type as all files while saving the file in our working folder C:\workspace
Step 4) Open the command prompt. Go to Directory C:\workspace. Compile the code using command,
javac FirstProgram.java
Step 5) If you look in your working folder, you can see that a file named A.class has been created.
Step 6) To execute the code, enter the command java followed by the class name, as expected output Hello World is displayed now.
java A
Note: Java is case sensitive Programming language. All code, commands, and file names should is used in consistent casing. FirstProgram is not same as firstprogram.
Step 7) If you copy and paste the same code in IDE like Eclipse the compiling and execution is done with the click of a button Using IDE is convenient and improves your efficiency but since you are learning Java, we recommend you stick to notepad.